Kutsuki Puzzle Piko

There are moments that you win and there are times that you get to learn. This project was the latter, it was such an epic learning opportunity…

The game had so much potential and we had such a talented and dedicated team. This highlights how important creative direction and focus are to a game project.

  • Responsible mainly in the project management aspect at the start
  • Managed multiple art outsourcing partners in China (Shanghai & Beijing), Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) and USA (Illinois).
  • Helped in design and art direction during some emergency moments 🙂
  • Crash course in crisis management 😀

Opening animation storyboarding

Worked on the storyboard to visualize the Creative Director’s vision for out outsourcing partner, Silver Ant.

The final opening short animation

Information Radiator

Both digital and physical Scrum boards were used, alas, the digital version has been terminated.

World Level Layout

UI Flow sample

Gameplay video

UI Flow created for a parallel project